Looking for non padded, grippy by sleeves, then check these out.
Made from heat shrink with scalloped rubberised grips, with no padding(most gloves have this in any way) be more connected to your bars.
Heat shrink for best fit, slide on then hit it with hot air gun these will stick to your bars, available in four colours and 2 different diameters,
sold as single 52cm section so you can choose how much of your drop to cover. Picture bars used 23cm per side (Pardus sprinter bars)
25mm will shrink to 15mm
28mm will shrink to 18mm
Use water to help slide on to bars.
slide on to bars
Position in desired position,
Heat from top to ancho top first.
Once top is secured, pull grips back a.one bar heating as you go to remove any wrinkles.
At ends trim left over so some over hang, heat ends so grips shrink around end, install ends(not included)