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Izumi chain, did chain, supertoughness chain, Ceramic speed track chain, fastest track chain, velodrome chain, single speed chain, bicycle chain
Izumi chain, did chain, supertoughness chain, Ceramic speed track chain, fastest track chain, velodrome chain, single speed chain, bicycle chain

CeramicSpeed UFO track chain

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CeramicSpeed uses chains from high-end brands to which an optimisation treatment is applied. The CeramicSpeed UFO Chains go through a multi-step process, which involves polishing, cleaning, and application of two layers of treatment to achieve the most efficient chain possible. The UltraFast Optimization process is not highly technical, but it is very time consuming.

Read here about the Chain Efficiency Test

The wax blend used in the optimisation of the ultra-fast chains was discovered through intensive testing in order to find the fastest base. Thereafter, the base was tweaked to achieve the lowest friction levels on the test equipment. After additional testing and multiple ratios of additives-to-base, the most efficient formula of optimisation was identified. CeramicSpeed started from the initial formula of the UltraFast Optimization process and incorporated a couple of advancements on top of the traditional treatment, for improved results.

The CeramicSpeed UFO Chain is a racing chain, developed with the purpose of delivering the unrivalled performance and will perform optimal for about 600 km/370 miles or potentially more under clean and dry conditions. After this, the watts saved start to decrease nevertheless, your used chain will still feature traces of optimisation and perform better than a regular chain. The maintenance and oiling of the used chain with a wax based lube with Teflon®, will prolong the life of your chain, saving less watts than optimised, still being above the level of a new standard chain. CeramicSpeed recommends the use of Squirt lube for the maintenance interventions.